It is a nutritional feed additive which is advised • in conditions of mineral (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ca) and phosphoric acis deficiencies •to support the following cases: Perosis, cannibalism, cage fatigue, pica, stress, alopesia, dehydration, non-specific diarrhea, bone disorders, anemia, and metabolic defects
Ferrous chloride (Fe)
Manganous chloride (Mn)
Zinc chloride (Zn)
Cupric chloride (Cu)
Calcium chloride (Ca)
Phosphoric acid
Poultry: 500 mL-1 L/1000 L idrinking water/day, for 3-5 days Cattle, camels and horses: 20-30 mL/1 L drinking water/day, for 3-5 days Calves, sheep and goats: 5 mL-10 mL/1 L drinking water/day, for 3-5 days