It is used in the supply of vitamin C in animals, • In case of yield loss due to vitamin C deficiency, • As a support in the treatment of viral, parasitic and bacterial infections, • In prevention of any stress situation (Vaccinations, Animal transport, Instant feed changes, Climate changes, Heat stress) • Improvement of growth, reproductive performance and feed conversion rate, • Strengthening the immune mechanism, • It is used to improve the meat quality.
Vitamin C
Poultry: Broiler: For vaccination, heat/cold stress: 25 g/1000 L drinking water/day For viral, bacterial and parasitic infections: 75 g/1000 L drinking water/day For transport: 300 g/1000 L drinking water/day Layers: 30-60 g/1000 L drinking water/day Horses: Training horses: 250-500 g/ ton feed (2.5-5 g/10 kg feed) Non-racing horses: 100-200 g/ton feed (1-2 g/10 kg feed)
Ruminant: 250-500 g/ton feed Pigs: 2-4 g/10 kg feed